Across the political divide, ‘liberal’ seems to have become a dirty word. In part this is just due to the multiple meanings that have grown around the term. Nevertheless if we look at the various reasons people give for despising ‘liberals’ some interesting common threads can be found.
Obviously ‘liberal’ in the UK is currently suffering from the Liberals with a big L forming a pact with the Conservatives. To the left this proves an old hunch – Liberals were just closet Tories, all along.
Then there is the US reading of liberal, which is really just a counter to ‘conservative’. A liberal in this sense can mean any form of leftist, socialist or even communist, so plenty to hate there. Confusingly however, since Thatcher and Reagan there have also been neo-liberals to hate. This is liberal in the sense of free-market liberalism – loathing of tax and state intervention, so firmly on the political right.
Then there are the more colloquial usages. There is the woolly do-gooder ‘liberal’, the stereotypical Guardian reader/writer, corduroy-clad social worker or social studies teacher. Close behind is the Fabian socialist, the top-down social reformer who sees the problems of the lower orders as something that can be solved by a benevolent intelligentsia. Many on the left and the right find common reasons to despise these sorts of liberals. Both groups see a self-serving bureaucratic class, patronising, paternalist and naïve, one which fails to address structural problems and instead does rather nicely out of the awful state of things. Rather than urge people to fight their own battles and solve their own problems, these sort of liberals prefer to appoint themselves as saviours, infantilising the downtrodden and robbing them of their autonomy.
And of course there are the ‘liberal interventionists’ the sort who brought liberty to Iraq and Afghanistan – a liberal fig-leaf to hide the diminutive organs of the naked imperialist. Although these liberals might seem a million miles from the woolly do-gooder kind (and many woolly do-gooder liberals would the first to condemn them) it is interesting to note the paternalistic similarities. In both cases an elite of well-educated and well-to-do white folk judge themselves to be in a better position to evaluate and plan the lives of lesser beings. If it so happens that you need to kill most of them along the way then so be it. One can also see a link here to the ‘free-market’ liberals. Anyone who does not wish to participate in the ‘free-market’ may find themselves coaxed towards liberty at the point of a gun.
Such widespread distaste for liberalism might seem odd in a democracy. After all, isn't democracy all about liberty? But of course while most people might claim to cherish liberty there is no agreement on what it is, or how it might be attained. Some see it as something that needs to be carefully engineered by the state. Others see it as the wholesale abolition of the state. In Economics alone, many self-proclaimed liberals are poles apart. Liberal individualists argue that liberty is born of zero tax and unrestricted corporate freedom. Liberal collectivists argue that liberty requires progressive taxation and spending, to create a level economic playing field.
Naively, we might assume that liberty is simply the removal of restrictions, but of course that would leave murderers free to murder and rapists free to rape – hardly a liberating situation for the rest of us. Clearly liberty has more to do with carefully chosen limits on some human desires than it has to do with boosting ‘freedom’ in the abstract. Thankfully, most of us agree on rape and murder, but there is far less agreement elsewhere. For some, liberty would include the right to wear a veil, or take drugs, or slap your children. For others these are infringements of liberty, freedoms that need to be prohibited in the name of higher liberty. And what of the liberty to push your own vision of liberty on others? What about the liberty to make someone else wear a veil, or buy your opium, or host your airbase?
If your notion of liberty boils down to nothing more than ‘free to comply with my notion of freedom’ then you might as well call it fascism and be done with it. But even the most sincere and judiciously chosen freedoms will always seem like gross infringements of liberty to some people. And you can be sure they will hate you for it.
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
When exactly was The Golden Age?
In a slight anatomical shift, opinions on last month’s riots and looting seem more like coccyx vertebrae – everybody has several. Rather than add any more, this is an attempt to impose some order on the existing collection.
While much of the world was enjoying the schadenfreude, it’s interesting to note that many British commentators exhibited if not pleasure then a sense of vindication. There was a collective holler of “I told you so!” For some, the disturbances were the obvious and inevitable consequence of liberal politics, cultural relativism and the perceived excesses of the welfare state. For others it was equally obvious that they were due to the bankruptcy of capitalism, and the bankrupt morality that accompanies it. As we shall see, finding firm evidence to support either of these strands of argument is intrinsically difficult. But if we accept that the disturbances were born of other causes rather than spontaneous then we have no choice but to try.
Most analysis of the disturbances contains the following three elements: First, almost everyone agrees that they were a very bad thing. Second, everyone has some idea of who or what is to blame. Third, there is the necessary implication that there was a time when our society was healthier, a golden age when such things didn’t occur.
Obviously the third component is very much a product of the second. It can also serve as something of a test. If you to want attribute the disintegration of civil society to Snoop Dogg or Sir Fred Goodwin or the end of National Service, a good measure of your theory would be the state of things before your candidate had any influence. If things turn out to have been every bit as bad then your theory would have been dealt a severe blow.
Proof positive is far more slippery. Even if there was a palpable nose-dive just as your candidate came on the scene it wouldn’t necessarily mean it was their fault, it could just be coincidence. Or it could be that your candidate had some slight contributory effect or colouration of events, rather than any effect worthy of the term ‘cause’. Or it could be that your ‘cause’ and its ‘consequence’ were both in fact born of an independent third or more factor, and in fact had very little influence on each other.
Or you could have things completely horse-before-cart. It could be that your ‘cause’ was in fact a direct consequence of thing you labelled as its effect – you just muddled them because they were happening at the same time. Alternatively, each factor could be the mutual cause of the other - are sneezes the cause of colds or colds the cause of sneezes? Clearly both.
Add to this the fact that many of the rival candidates were working their alleged evil at the same time – so which one caused it? Add to that, these events were only superficially unique. Riots and looting are nothing new, even on these shores. If you want to blame this particular riot on a particular change you will need to identify what was special about this riot, and how that unique feature links to your suggested cause.
So, with all that in mind here’s a far from exhaustive list of suggested culprits to hold up to history: Loss of respect for authority; the global financial crash; thieving bankers; endemic evil; MP’s expenses; gangsta rap; monetarism; 24 hour multichannel television; the internet; video games; the nanny state; the phone hacking scandal; social networking; the media’s idolisation of brutes, thieves and fools; police corruption; poverty of pocket; poverty of mind; the export of meaningful forms of employment; sexual permissiveness; the decline of the traditional family; youth unemployment; the demise of religious belief; criminality pure and simple; consumerism pure and simple.
Some we can immediately cross out as they are not explanatory theories at all, more like yelps. The PM’s early choice ‘criminality pure and simple’ explains nothing on its own. Without some attempt to explain why this unscented form of criminality happened to arise this particular weekend he might as well be blaming himself – after all it happened on his watch. For similar reasons we can strike off ‘loss of respect for authority’ and ‘endemic evil’. Until you add a ‘why’ and a ‘why now’ these are just descriptions rather than testable theories. Note the same does not apply to ‘consumerism pure and simple’ – we can actually put a rough date on that, and then look how things were beforehand.
As for the others, I’m inclined to split them into four types of criticism, with a good bit of repetition and overlapping.
Bad role models
(thieving bankers; MP’s expenses; the phone hacking scandal; police corruption; gangsta rap; 24 hour multichannel television; the internet; the media’s idolisation of brutes, thieves and fools; video games)
When it comes to picking role models, Children’s BBC certainly takes the biscuit. In the aftermath of the disturbances Newsround staff ran all the infamous videos and damned those involved. To back-up their critique, celebrity condemnations of the events were then read out. First up, as one might expect, Wayne Rooney. The lesson here, presumably, is that if you need a moral judgement on the behaviour of materialistic thugs who organise their activities via Twitter the best thing to do is ask one.
In all seriousness, presumably this was an attempt to get potentially errant children onside by quoting one of their ‘idols’. Even so, it does not speak well about the current quality of youth leadership models.
As tempting as it might be, it would be unfair to blame the disturbances on any particular public figure. The public profile of one Katie Price or Andy Coulson or Bernard Madoff does not on its own maketh a riot. Such influences are more likely incremental and additive. One could argue that the current saturation coverage and lionising of the most self-obsessed, violent, ignorant, materialistic people has some cumulative effect, if only because it squeezes out examples of anything better. If a child rarely encounters any other kind of role model it is valid to speculate about how it might affect their own outlook and behaviour.
More subtly, one might speculate how the relentless parade of pop stars and footballers and wannabe celebrities might chip away at the egos of young viewers. A media full of media-obsessed media people works to denigrate normality. Realistic expectations become sidelined, an embarrassment. The only things that matter are fame and stupid amounts of money. Who wants to be a nurse or an engine driver when Simon Cowell can turn you into a ‘star’? Of course only a vanishingly small amount of people actually will achieve fame and wealth. The rest can just grow bitter.
As for our bounty of openly degenerate pop-culture, it’s understandable that some might see it at as a source of degenerate behaviour. When you see the same lupine stare in the faces of the children hanging around outside your home as you see on CD cases and music videos, when you hear the same depressing worldview bubbling from the mouths of the fans and the ‘artists’ it is only reasonable to wonder if one is causing the other. And it is only salt in the wounds to picture of the champagne lifestyles of record executives, safely insulated in their gated communities in California, all furnished by the profits of this glitzy nihilism.
But still, you have to tread carefully when it comes to cause and effect. For all their popularity The Sex Pistols never did bring anarchy to the UK, anymore than Thin Lizzy ever incited a jailbreak. It is just about conceivable that a track called Let’s break into Currys by The iPod Thieves might incite some of its listeners to do just that. But it could just be that people who like stealing electrical goods find it the most fitting accompanying score. More likely still, it could just be a purchasable means for teenagers to annoy and bewilder adults, not least their parents and David Starkey.
Material impoverishment/Subsidised Indolence
(the global financial crash; thieving bankers; monetarism; the nanny state; poverty of pocket; the export of meaningful forms of employment; youth unemployment)
These were not bread riots. No one involved appeared to be hungry, and most of the looting was of luxury goods. For many commentators this fact alone is enough to banish the subject of ‘impoverishment’.
On the other hand their timing, in the wake of near economic meltdown, can hardly be coincidental. Regardless of the morality of the looters, the fact that so many citizens were prepared to stoop so low cannot be divorced from the economy. The ranks of the young unemployed definitely are swelling. The few jobs going are mostly low-paid and tedious. Benefit rates are stagnating, and certainly not enough to cover more than a bare existence. Not a valid excuse for breaking and entry, but certainly an incentive.
Even allowing for such factors does not of course produce agreement, it just shifts the terms of the debate: Why are so many people materially impoverished? Many on the right blame the benefits system itself. Welfare is seen as the real poverty trap, tempting people away from gainful employment, and out-pricing genuine businesses in the labour market. On a fixed state income there is no chance of promotion, pay rise or even a bit of overtime. No surprise that the devil should find other work for these idle hands.
The left will reply by asking who it was that destroyed gainful employment, and left generations of people stranded on benefits. The right will doubtless reply ‘greedy unions’. We are back to familiar left/right arguments about economics.
Moral impoverishment
This one is really the combined consequences of all the others. For many reasons these disturbances were widely judged to be immoral in intent: There was no indication that they were a struggle for justice or liberty. Political motivation was next to zero, the only hunger was for luxury goods. There was a callous indifference to human life and to the social circumstances of the victims. Many of those victims were completely blameless for the perceived social ills of the perpetrators. Many were small businesses that will never recover and never be able to trade again.
As with material impoverishment, blame here tends to split along familiar political lines. Some target the collective evils of social liberalism: Authority has lost its authority. Police and parents have rendered themselves impotent. Multiculturalism and cultural relativism have eroded our values. We have lost the ability to condemn. Nothing can be declared bad any more, only different. The law is tilted in the favour of the perpetrators of crime. Welfare has robbed people of dignity and has destroyed the connection between effort and due reward. Moral decency is impossible without religious belief, and religion has been buried. Atheism is condemning us to hell in the here and now.
Others blame neo-liberalism: It was Thatcher and friends that destroyed our culture and our dignity. Most of the social structures that provided solidarity, pride and purpose to the working classes have been smashed-up, sold-off or usurped by the new ruling elite – the Labour party included. It was the right that transformed citizens into consumers, and every human deed into a cash transaction. It was corporate capitalism that blew away our value system.
Certainly, anyone who wants to defend our consumer society and also condemn the looters does have some explaining to do. Consumerism is all about making people discontented with their lot. People in the advertising industry fully acknowledge this fact. Their aim is to compel people to want things that they don’t need, and feel like crap if they don’t get them.
Aside from the inherent immorality, this seems a sure recipe for social unrest. Human will and desire are awesome forces. If you actively set out to taunt humans with desirable objects when you know full well they cannot afford them, you shouldn’t be too surprised when they grab-out nonetheless. Corporate capitalism wants us as mindless zombies, trampling on each other as we clamber for its products. Tough luck that some of us continue to clamber even when we haven’t got the wherewithal.
(social networking; 24 hour multichannel television; the internet; video games)
“What would you do with free texts and internet for life?” asked T-Mobile. “Josh [naturally] is starting a Superband”. In reality we can now happily add “Ibrahim is organising a pro-democracy rally”, but also, sadly, “Steve is organising a mass break-in”. After all the inconclusiveness, finally something we can firmly blame. Looting and rioting are nothing new, but the coordinated effort and speed of contagation certainly are. This definitely depended on social networking.
Along with the moral issues, this has to be one of the most anxiety inducing facts. It chimes with broader fears of technology, and its endless unknowns: The barbarians have discovered fire and nothing will ever be the same again. Now the secret is out, can we expect a repeat performance every weekend? It’s like Eve with that apple again. Love it or hate it, we can’t unlearn the internet. One consequence is that miscreants now have an instant means of co-ordinating their misdeeds. How that weighs up against the democratic and moral advantages of social networking is one question that will rumble on.
Likewise, it’s easy enough to find reasons to blame technology for much of our recent material impoverishment. Just in terms of retail jobs and businesses, Ebay and Amazon have decimated our High streets. Most of the money supposedly ‘made’ by e-billionaires wasn’t conjured from thin air. It was the usual process of new and cheaper alternatives bankrupting their competitors. In the main, the reason the e-firms can do it cheaper is because they don’t need to employ many people, and can make use of low-wage workers in other countries. The ‘dot-com revolution’ was possibly the biggest downsizing event in economic history. Nice for the occasional CEO, not so nice for the wage worker.
As for moral impoverishment, well where do we start? If you have any suspicions that 24-hour pornography, gambling and ultra-violent video games might have a negative effect on the outlook of the population, well here are the technologies that made it possible. All now available 24/7 in almost every home in the country.
The pattern continues with role models. Before the advent of day-long multichannel television who would have heard of Jade Goody? It was only the huge amounts of vacant air-time, and the tiny amounts of advertising revenue, that sucked her and her kind into the vacuum. If you want high viewing figures but you can’t actually afford to employ anyone worthwhile, what is the natural choice? Voyeurism – preferably of the loudest crassest most shameless people. It’s just like pornography, which is probably why it so resembles pornography. All made possible by the wonders of 21st Century technology.
So, in summary, a handful of definite culprits, a few more we might grudgingly agree on, and a great swathe of irreconcilable politically-charged competing theories. Certainly no sign of agreement on dating the golden age. In fact the golden age looks like a bit of a golden herring. When you choose an era to cherish it’s all too easy to factor out all the other horrible things that were happening at that time. You can call for the return of National Service, but do you also want the return of Teddy Boys slashing cinema seats, and Mosley’s mobs back on the streets? Or what about the golden age that gave rise to National Service, the one that left most of London flattened? I think most Londoners would prefer to keep the Hoodies than have the Luftwaffe back. Be careful what you wish for.
While much of the world was enjoying the schadenfreude, it’s interesting to note that many British commentators exhibited if not pleasure then a sense of vindication. There was a collective holler of “I told you so!” For some, the disturbances were the obvious and inevitable consequence of liberal politics, cultural relativism and the perceived excesses of the welfare state. For others it was equally obvious that they were due to the bankruptcy of capitalism, and the bankrupt morality that accompanies it. As we shall see, finding firm evidence to support either of these strands of argument is intrinsically difficult. But if we accept that the disturbances were born of other causes rather than spontaneous then we have no choice but to try.
Most analysis of the disturbances contains the following three elements: First, almost everyone agrees that they were a very bad thing. Second, everyone has some idea of who or what is to blame. Third, there is the necessary implication that there was a time when our society was healthier, a golden age when such things didn’t occur.
Obviously the third component is very much a product of the second. It can also serve as something of a test. If you to want attribute the disintegration of civil society to Snoop Dogg or Sir Fred Goodwin or the end of National Service, a good measure of your theory would be the state of things before your candidate had any influence. If things turn out to have been every bit as bad then your theory would have been dealt a severe blow.
Proof positive is far more slippery. Even if there was a palpable nose-dive just as your candidate came on the scene it wouldn’t necessarily mean it was their fault, it could just be coincidence. Or it could be that your candidate had some slight contributory effect or colouration of events, rather than any effect worthy of the term ‘cause’. Or it could be that your ‘cause’ and its ‘consequence’ were both in fact born of an independent third or more factor, and in fact had very little influence on each other.
Or you could have things completely horse-before-cart. It could be that your ‘cause’ was in fact a direct consequence of thing you labelled as its effect – you just muddled them because they were happening at the same time. Alternatively, each factor could be the mutual cause of the other - are sneezes the cause of colds or colds the cause of sneezes? Clearly both.
Add to this the fact that many of the rival candidates were working their alleged evil at the same time – so which one caused it? Add to that, these events were only superficially unique. Riots and looting are nothing new, even on these shores. If you want to blame this particular riot on a particular change you will need to identify what was special about this riot, and how that unique feature links to your suggested cause.
So, with all that in mind here’s a far from exhaustive list of suggested culprits to hold up to history: Loss of respect for authority; the global financial crash; thieving bankers; endemic evil; MP’s expenses; gangsta rap; monetarism; 24 hour multichannel television; the internet; video games; the nanny state; the phone hacking scandal; social networking; the media’s idolisation of brutes, thieves and fools; police corruption; poverty of pocket; poverty of mind; the export of meaningful forms of employment; sexual permissiveness; the decline of the traditional family; youth unemployment; the demise of religious belief; criminality pure and simple; consumerism pure and simple.
Some we can immediately cross out as they are not explanatory theories at all, more like yelps. The PM’s early choice ‘criminality pure and simple’ explains nothing on its own. Without some attempt to explain why this unscented form of criminality happened to arise this particular weekend he might as well be blaming himself – after all it happened on his watch. For similar reasons we can strike off ‘loss of respect for authority’ and ‘endemic evil’. Until you add a ‘why’ and a ‘why now’ these are just descriptions rather than testable theories. Note the same does not apply to ‘consumerism pure and simple’ – we can actually put a rough date on that, and then look how things were beforehand.
As for the others, I’m inclined to split them into four types of criticism, with a good bit of repetition and overlapping.
Bad role models
(thieving bankers; MP’s expenses; the phone hacking scandal; police corruption; gangsta rap; 24 hour multichannel television; the internet; the media’s idolisation of brutes, thieves and fools; video games)
When it comes to picking role models, Children’s BBC certainly takes the biscuit. In the aftermath of the disturbances Newsround staff ran all the infamous videos and damned those involved. To back-up their critique, celebrity condemnations of the events were then read out. First up, as one might expect, Wayne Rooney. The lesson here, presumably, is that if you need a moral judgement on the behaviour of materialistic thugs who organise their activities via Twitter the best thing to do is ask one.
In all seriousness, presumably this was an attempt to get potentially errant children onside by quoting one of their ‘idols’. Even so, it does not speak well about the current quality of youth leadership models.
As tempting as it might be, it would be unfair to blame the disturbances on any particular public figure. The public profile of one Katie Price or Andy Coulson or Bernard Madoff does not on its own maketh a riot. Such influences are more likely incremental and additive. One could argue that the current saturation coverage and lionising of the most self-obsessed, violent, ignorant, materialistic people has some cumulative effect, if only because it squeezes out examples of anything better. If a child rarely encounters any other kind of role model it is valid to speculate about how it might affect their own outlook and behaviour.
More subtly, one might speculate how the relentless parade of pop stars and footballers and wannabe celebrities might chip away at the egos of young viewers. A media full of media-obsessed media people works to denigrate normality. Realistic expectations become sidelined, an embarrassment. The only things that matter are fame and stupid amounts of money. Who wants to be a nurse or an engine driver when Simon Cowell can turn you into a ‘star’? Of course only a vanishingly small amount of people actually will achieve fame and wealth. The rest can just grow bitter.
As for our bounty of openly degenerate pop-culture, it’s understandable that some might see it at as a source of degenerate behaviour. When you see the same lupine stare in the faces of the children hanging around outside your home as you see on CD cases and music videos, when you hear the same depressing worldview bubbling from the mouths of the fans and the ‘artists’ it is only reasonable to wonder if one is causing the other. And it is only salt in the wounds to picture of the champagne lifestyles of record executives, safely insulated in their gated communities in California, all furnished by the profits of this glitzy nihilism.
But still, you have to tread carefully when it comes to cause and effect. For all their popularity The Sex Pistols never did bring anarchy to the UK, anymore than Thin Lizzy ever incited a jailbreak. It is just about conceivable that a track called Let’s break into Currys by The iPod Thieves might incite some of its listeners to do just that. But it could just be that people who like stealing electrical goods find it the most fitting accompanying score. More likely still, it could just be a purchasable means for teenagers to annoy and bewilder adults, not least their parents and David Starkey.
Material impoverishment/Subsidised Indolence
(the global financial crash; thieving bankers; monetarism; the nanny state; poverty of pocket; the export of meaningful forms of employment; youth unemployment)
These were not bread riots. No one involved appeared to be hungry, and most of the looting was of luxury goods. For many commentators this fact alone is enough to banish the subject of ‘impoverishment’.
On the other hand their timing, in the wake of near economic meltdown, can hardly be coincidental. Regardless of the morality of the looters, the fact that so many citizens were prepared to stoop so low cannot be divorced from the economy. The ranks of the young unemployed definitely are swelling. The few jobs going are mostly low-paid and tedious. Benefit rates are stagnating, and certainly not enough to cover more than a bare existence. Not a valid excuse for breaking and entry, but certainly an incentive.
Even allowing for such factors does not of course produce agreement, it just shifts the terms of the debate: Why are so many people materially impoverished? Many on the right blame the benefits system itself. Welfare is seen as the real poverty trap, tempting people away from gainful employment, and out-pricing genuine businesses in the labour market. On a fixed state income there is no chance of promotion, pay rise or even a bit of overtime. No surprise that the devil should find other work for these idle hands.
The left will reply by asking who it was that destroyed gainful employment, and left generations of people stranded on benefits. The right will doubtless reply ‘greedy unions’. We are back to familiar left/right arguments about economics.
Moral impoverishment
This one is really the combined consequences of all the others. For many reasons these disturbances were widely judged to be immoral in intent: There was no indication that they were a struggle for justice or liberty. Political motivation was next to zero, the only hunger was for luxury goods. There was a callous indifference to human life and to the social circumstances of the victims. Many of those victims were completely blameless for the perceived social ills of the perpetrators. Many were small businesses that will never recover and never be able to trade again.
As with material impoverishment, blame here tends to split along familiar political lines. Some target the collective evils of social liberalism: Authority has lost its authority. Police and parents have rendered themselves impotent. Multiculturalism and cultural relativism have eroded our values. We have lost the ability to condemn. Nothing can be declared bad any more, only different. The law is tilted in the favour of the perpetrators of crime. Welfare has robbed people of dignity and has destroyed the connection between effort and due reward. Moral decency is impossible without religious belief, and religion has been buried. Atheism is condemning us to hell in the here and now.
Others blame neo-liberalism: It was Thatcher and friends that destroyed our culture and our dignity. Most of the social structures that provided solidarity, pride and purpose to the working classes have been smashed-up, sold-off or usurped by the new ruling elite – the Labour party included. It was the right that transformed citizens into consumers, and every human deed into a cash transaction. It was corporate capitalism that blew away our value system.
Certainly, anyone who wants to defend our consumer society and also condemn the looters does have some explaining to do. Consumerism is all about making people discontented with their lot. People in the advertising industry fully acknowledge this fact. Their aim is to compel people to want things that they don’t need, and feel like crap if they don’t get them.
Aside from the inherent immorality, this seems a sure recipe for social unrest. Human will and desire are awesome forces. If you actively set out to taunt humans with desirable objects when you know full well they cannot afford them, you shouldn’t be too surprised when they grab-out nonetheless. Corporate capitalism wants us as mindless zombies, trampling on each other as we clamber for its products. Tough luck that some of us continue to clamber even when we haven’t got the wherewithal.
(social networking; 24 hour multichannel television; the internet; video games)
“What would you do with free texts and internet for life?” asked T-Mobile. “Josh [naturally] is starting a Superband”. In reality we can now happily add “Ibrahim is organising a pro-democracy rally”, but also, sadly, “Steve is organising a mass break-in”. After all the inconclusiveness, finally something we can firmly blame. Looting and rioting are nothing new, but the coordinated effort and speed of contagation certainly are. This definitely depended on social networking.
Along with the moral issues, this has to be one of the most anxiety inducing facts. It chimes with broader fears of technology, and its endless unknowns: The barbarians have discovered fire and nothing will ever be the same again. Now the secret is out, can we expect a repeat performance every weekend? It’s like Eve with that apple again. Love it or hate it, we can’t unlearn the internet. One consequence is that miscreants now have an instant means of co-ordinating their misdeeds. How that weighs up against the democratic and moral advantages of social networking is one question that will rumble on.
Likewise, it’s easy enough to find reasons to blame technology for much of our recent material impoverishment. Just in terms of retail jobs and businesses, Ebay and Amazon have decimated our High streets. Most of the money supposedly ‘made’ by e-billionaires wasn’t conjured from thin air. It was the usual process of new and cheaper alternatives bankrupting their competitors. In the main, the reason the e-firms can do it cheaper is because they don’t need to employ many people, and can make use of low-wage workers in other countries. The ‘dot-com revolution’ was possibly the biggest downsizing event in economic history. Nice for the occasional CEO, not so nice for the wage worker.
As for moral impoverishment, well where do we start? If you have any suspicions that 24-hour pornography, gambling and ultra-violent video games might have a negative effect on the outlook of the population, well here are the technologies that made it possible. All now available 24/7 in almost every home in the country.
The pattern continues with role models. Before the advent of day-long multichannel television who would have heard of Jade Goody? It was only the huge amounts of vacant air-time, and the tiny amounts of advertising revenue, that sucked her and her kind into the vacuum. If you want high viewing figures but you can’t actually afford to employ anyone worthwhile, what is the natural choice? Voyeurism – preferably of the loudest crassest most shameless people. It’s just like pornography, which is probably why it so resembles pornography. All made possible by the wonders of 21st Century technology.
So, in summary, a handful of definite culprits, a few more we might grudgingly agree on, and a great swathe of irreconcilable politically-charged competing theories. Certainly no sign of agreement on dating the golden age. In fact the golden age looks like a bit of a golden herring. When you choose an era to cherish it’s all too easy to factor out all the other horrible things that were happening at that time. You can call for the return of National Service, but do you also want the return of Teddy Boys slashing cinema seats, and Mosley’s mobs back on the streets? Or what about the golden age that gave rise to National Service, the one that left most of London flattened? I think most Londoners would prefer to keep the Hoodies than have the Luftwaffe back. Be careful what you wish for.
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
The demise of another great British tradition
As the fallout from the News International scandal spreads, it now seems unavoidable that even the formal constitution of British government will be affected.
At the very least, it appears that it may no longer be a prerequisite for those seeking the highest office of UK government to first kneel and kiss the hands of an American tax-dodger. Traditionally this ceremony has been performed behind closed doors, at such consecrated locations as Wapping docks and Hayman Island.
Constitutional experts have expressed alarm at the immoral vacuum this change will leave in British politics, and a parliamentary committee is currently working to devise an alternative scheme. In the short term it is understood that the pornographer Richard Desmond has been approached and offered the opportunity to undertake the role in a caretaker capacity.
Nevertheless, the long-term survival of the ceremony is far from assured. To some critics it has always seemed anachronistic, and even to serve a role contrary to democracy. Indeed the fact that this tradition was maintained for more than three decades may surprise future generations of Britons – as much as it might generations past.
At the very least, it appears that it may no longer be a prerequisite for those seeking the highest office of UK government to first kneel and kiss the hands of an American tax-dodger. Traditionally this ceremony has been performed behind closed doors, at such consecrated locations as Wapping docks and Hayman Island.
Constitutional experts have expressed alarm at the immoral vacuum this change will leave in British politics, and a parliamentary committee is currently working to devise an alternative scheme. In the short term it is understood that the pornographer Richard Desmond has been approached and offered the opportunity to undertake the role in a caretaker capacity.
Nevertheless, the long-term survival of the ceremony is far from assured. To some critics it has always seemed anachronistic, and even to serve a role contrary to democracy. Indeed the fact that this tradition was maintained for more than three decades may surprise future generations of Britons – as much as it might generations past.
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Dying for our sins
Of the many puzzling inconsistencies to be found in religion one seems particularly relevant at this time: If Christ died for our sins then why is sin still present? If he really did shoulder the whole world’s sins – but in no sense alleviated or eradicated them – then surely he suffered in vain.
One might counter that his suffering only erased the sins present at that point in history. Today’s sin then would just be the accumulation of sins from that point on. But this is hard to support. There is nothing in recorded history to suggest a temporary lull in human misery around two thousand years ago. By all accounts it was just misery as usual.
A more likely explanation is that the church wants to have its communion wafer and eat it. It wants us to believe that the universe is ruled over by a supremely benevolent and omnipotent being, yet needs to square this with an obviously miserable world. If they aren’t careful their God might look like a sadist for not intervening to end all this pain. So instead we witness a sleight of hand. He lifts the burden of sin, and all sin remains, all at the same time.
Such conjuring tricks are not confined to religion. The killing of Osama bin Laden is another example of a thorough cleansing that leaves everything as filthy as before. His executioners are delighted to inform us the world is incalculably safer – while simultaneously warning us that things are every bit as dangerous. It has all the vibe of the VJ day celebrations, only with the war still raging-on, indefinitely.
Much as the church trades on the myth of an omniscient God, the ‘war on terror’ has traded on a mythical devil. We only have to kill the devil for the world to be saved. As we have seen, the devil can take many forms. In Afghanistan he assumed the name Taliban. Then, in an odd convergence with his biblical counterpart, he took the form of a serpent in Mesopotamia, modern Iraq. In fact the devil has managed to show up pretty much wherever Washington’s political and economic strategists have hoped he would.
For all the infantile punditry, the death of bin Laden is nothing to celebrate. It’s just another death, and one that has already led to more death. Chanting “USA! USA!” takes the American public no closer to understanding their country’s role in the world. It just affirms the belief that the US can kill its way to victory, whatever victory might mean in these circumstances.
Like the death of Christ, the death of Osama has been presented to us as a moment of salvation. As with Christ however this is a strange sort of salvation – one where no one actually gets saved.
One might counter that his suffering only erased the sins present at that point in history. Today’s sin then would just be the accumulation of sins from that point on. But this is hard to support. There is nothing in recorded history to suggest a temporary lull in human misery around two thousand years ago. By all accounts it was just misery as usual.
A more likely explanation is that the church wants to have its communion wafer and eat it. It wants us to believe that the universe is ruled over by a supremely benevolent and omnipotent being, yet needs to square this with an obviously miserable world. If they aren’t careful their God might look like a sadist for not intervening to end all this pain. So instead we witness a sleight of hand. He lifts the burden of sin, and all sin remains, all at the same time.
Such conjuring tricks are not confined to religion. The killing of Osama bin Laden is another example of a thorough cleansing that leaves everything as filthy as before. His executioners are delighted to inform us the world is incalculably safer – while simultaneously warning us that things are every bit as dangerous. It has all the vibe of the VJ day celebrations, only with the war still raging-on, indefinitely.
Much as the church trades on the myth of an omniscient God, the ‘war on terror’ has traded on a mythical devil. We only have to kill the devil for the world to be saved. As we have seen, the devil can take many forms. In Afghanistan he assumed the name Taliban. Then, in an odd convergence with his biblical counterpart, he took the form of a serpent in Mesopotamia, modern Iraq. In fact the devil has managed to show up pretty much wherever Washington’s political and economic strategists have hoped he would.
For all the infantile punditry, the death of bin Laden is nothing to celebrate. It’s just another death, and one that has already led to more death. Chanting “USA! USA!” takes the American public no closer to understanding their country’s role in the world. It just affirms the belief that the US can kill its way to victory, whatever victory might mean in these circumstances.
Like the death of Christ, the death of Osama has been presented to us as a moment of salvation. As with Christ however this is a strange sort of salvation – one where no one actually gets saved.
Monday, 25 April 2011
A More Subtle Pravda
April saw another condemnation of the BBC’s legendary political bias, this time by its veteran broadcaster Michael Buerk.
“What the BBC regards as normal and abnormal, what is moderate or extreme, where the centre of gravity of an issue lies, are conditioned by the common set of assumptions held by the people who work for it.”
No surprise Buerk was identifying left-wing bias at the corporation. But the sentence works just as well for those of us who see things the other way round.
Here’s one common assumption that grounds every BBC news report: Whatever actions Britain takes in the world, they are always morally well intentioned. Mistaken or badly executed, possibly, but never done in bad faith. This rule goes without saying, and any journalist who questions it is putting their job on the line. Jeremy Paxman, no less, recently had his knuckles rapped on this issue: Clearly it is fine to claim that the Iraq catastrophe was born of faulty intelligence, but biased to suggest that it was born of lies. Evidence doesn’t enter into it.
Such affrays are of course rare. For all the bashing his right ear has endured, I cannot recall an instance in John Simpson’s forty years of ‘heroic’ reporting where he has questioned the moral basis of Britain’s actions in the world. He may criticise methods, or hint that some acts are foolhardy, but he never questions motives.
This might be because Britain’s intentions in the world really are consistently noble. But note that many non-BBC journalists don’t agree. Tariq Ali and Robert Fisk are perfectly happy to address what they see as the cynicism underlying British foreign policy. Likewise, large sections of the general public are confident that Britain’s role in the world is often immoral and self-serving rather than benevolent.
The robotic BBC response of course is that the corporation must avoid bias. Fisk and Ali are deeply political beings and so not suitable for a strictly apolitical organisation like BBC news. But this claim just exposes its own lie. What could be more political than the root assumption that one’s own country is incapable of moral deviancy? What could be more biased than ruling out the possibility of cynicism on the part of one player before judging the game?
Moreover, if questioning the moral stance of players is a sign of unforgivable bias then why is it acceptable when those players are official enemies? BBC journalists and editors have no trouble questioning the sincerity of Assad or Saddam or Gaddafi. It’s perfectly okay to attribute cynicism to their actions.
Robotic response number two: Some leaders are clearly evil tyrants. The above have gassed or shot or beaten “their own people” so there’s no judgement involved, just the statement of fact. Again this only betrays the lie. The governments of Yemen and Bahrain are currently employing such tactics in their attempts to cling to power. However as client states of the West, to question their morality would risk the accusation of bias. Much safer to focus on Libya and Syria.
Moreover, to suggest the west had acted immorally by furnishing these regimes with the arms they are now using to beat and shoot “their own people” would constitute biased reporting. An ‘unbiased’ BBC journalist would need to pan out a little, factor-in the West’s moral crusade against Islamic extremism, its efforts to protect the Israel-Palestine ‘peace process’.
Deeply hypocritical stuff, but at least it does clarify the true meaning of ‘bias’ in BBC parlance. Bias has nothing to do with favouring one player over another, it is about straying from the officially sanctioned picture, questioning the official bias.
Although more subtle, these are the same techniques employed by Pravda. While it is permissible to portray our leaders as more ambiguous characters than it was with comrade Stalin, the moral motives of the motherland remain beyond question. Like Pravda, BBC news works to constantly recalibrate public opinion, drag it back to blind faith in our nation’s good intent, regardless of the evidence before our eyes. There is simply no amount of arming and bombing and invading that BBC news cannot explain away as well meant.
In consequence, the next arms deal or air strike or ground invasion becomes easier to sell to the public. The BBC’s daily inoculations against the virus of national self-criticism are a key means of keeping the public on board. It is this reinforced sense of national righteousness that lies behind the cry of, “Well what should we do!? Just stand back while he murders his own people!?” which many a well-meaning citizen is heard to holler during the run-up to the latest NATO bombing or invasion of one place or another. The idea that what Britain is already doing might be the problem is off the radar, a core impossibility.
Whatever influence Guardinistas might be exerting in the BBC newsroom, it seems unlikely they could be having as serious a propaganda effect as this.
“What the BBC regards as normal and abnormal, what is moderate or extreme, where the centre of gravity of an issue lies, are conditioned by the common set of assumptions held by the people who work for it.”
No surprise Buerk was identifying left-wing bias at the corporation. But the sentence works just as well for those of us who see things the other way round.
Here’s one common assumption that grounds every BBC news report: Whatever actions Britain takes in the world, they are always morally well intentioned. Mistaken or badly executed, possibly, but never done in bad faith. This rule goes without saying, and any journalist who questions it is putting their job on the line. Jeremy Paxman, no less, recently had his knuckles rapped on this issue: Clearly it is fine to claim that the Iraq catastrophe was born of faulty intelligence, but biased to suggest that it was born of lies. Evidence doesn’t enter into it.
Such affrays are of course rare. For all the bashing his right ear has endured, I cannot recall an instance in John Simpson’s forty years of ‘heroic’ reporting where he has questioned the moral basis of Britain’s actions in the world. He may criticise methods, or hint that some acts are foolhardy, but he never questions motives.
This might be because Britain’s intentions in the world really are consistently noble. But note that many non-BBC journalists don’t agree. Tariq Ali and Robert Fisk are perfectly happy to address what they see as the cynicism underlying British foreign policy. Likewise, large sections of the general public are confident that Britain’s role in the world is often immoral and self-serving rather than benevolent.
The robotic BBC response of course is that the corporation must avoid bias. Fisk and Ali are deeply political beings and so not suitable for a strictly apolitical organisation like BBC news. But this claim just exposes its own lie. What could be more political than the root assumption that one’s own country is incapable of moral deviancy? What could be more biased than ruling out the possibility of cynicism on the part of one player before judging the game?
Moreover, if questioning the moral stance of players is a sign of unforgivable bias then why is it acceptable when those players are official enemies? BBC journalists and editors have no trouble questioning the sincerity of Assad or Saddam or Gaddafi. It’s perfectly okay to attribute cynicism to their actions.
Robotic response number two: Some leaders are clearly evil tyrants. The above have gassed or shot or beaten “their own people” so there’s no judgement involved, just the statement of fact. Again this only betrays the lie. The governments of Yemen and Bahrain are currently employing such tactics in their attempts to cling to power. However as client states of the West, to question their morality would risk the accusation of bias. Much safer to focus on Libya and Syria.
Moreover, to suggest the west had acted immorally by furnishing these regimes with the arms they are now using to beat and shoot “their own people” would constitute biased reporting. An ‘unbiased’ BBC journalist would need to pan out a little, factor-in the West’s moral crusade against Islamic extremism, its efforts to protect the Israel-Palestine ‘peace process’.
Deeply hypocritical stuff, but at least it does clarify the true meaning of ‘bias’ in BBC parlance. Bias has nothing to do with favouring one player over another, it is about straying from the officially sanctioned picture, questioning the official bias.
Although more subtle, these are the same techniques employed by Pravda. While it is permissible to portray our leaders as more ambiguous characters than it was with comrade Stalin, the moral motives of the motherland remain beyond question. Like Pravda, BBC news works to constantly recalibrate public opinion, drag it back to blind faith in our nation’s good intent, regardless of the evidence before our eyes. There is simply no amount of arming and bombing and invading that BBC news cannot explain away as well meant.
In consequence, the next arms deal or air strike or ground invasion becomes easier to sell to the public. The BBC’s daily inoculations against the virus of national self-criticism are a key means of keeping the public on board. It is this reinforced sense of national righteousness that lies behind the cry of, “Well what should we do!? Just stand back while he murders his own people!?” which many a well-meaning citizen is heard to holler during the run-up to the latest NATO bombing or invasion of one place or another. The idea that what Britain is already doing might be the problem is off the radar, a core impossibility.
Whatever influence Guardinistas might be exerting in the BBC newsroom, it seems unlikely they could be having as serious a propaganda effect as this.
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
The ‘Greater Good’ Device
For defenders of authority, it seems there is no act so obscene it can’t be counterbalanced by the claim that it serves a greater good:
• Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved lives in the long run.
• Torture is vital to preventing greater agony elsewhere
• Arming and funding tyrants is a necessary evil if one is to protect the world from barbarians or communists or terrorists, or whoever happens to be bogeyman that year.
• The death of a million civilians is a price worth paying to prevent a tyrant from stockpiling weapons of mass destruction (discretely changed to ‘a price worth paying to depose a tyrant’ when the weapons fail to show up.)
You might notice a potential for conflict between the last two points. But no fear, one can always factor-in timing. While it was for the ‘greater good’ of international diplomacy that Donald Rumsfeld warmly shook hands with Saddam Hussein in 1983 – at a time when he was known to be using chemical weapons – it was clearly a reprehensible gesture after 1990, when he was known to be using chemical weapons.
Presumably if Germany had won the last war and the Reich had lasted to the present we could expect today’s professional commentators to calmly explain away Auschwitz and Dachau as unpleasant necessities. Popular historians would caution us not to judge our predecessors too quickly and to bear in mind the genuine threat posed by world Jewry, Roma, and the disabled.
In reality there is the case of Mubarak’s Egypt. According to a January report by Human Rights Watch:
“Security forces' routine use of torture initially targeted political dissidents, or those suspected of being dissidents, whether armed or peaceful. Torture subsequently became epidemic, affecting large numbers of ordinary citizens who found themselves in police custody as suspects, or in connection with criminal investigations.”
If the US is the champion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East one might ask why it supplied this regime with $1.3 billion in military aid for each of the last 30 years? What moral impulse could have prompted Hillary Clinton to defend Mubarak as a family friend and Tony Blair to laud him as “immensely courageous and a force for good”.
The answer of course is the greater good. As all ‘responsible’ analysts agree, the only way to foster freedom in the Middle East is by bankrolling the indefinite suspension of freedom. The only way to diminish the police state is by active support of the police state. The only way to broker peace is through the sale of weaponry. The only way to prevent terror is to terrorise.
Clearly there are times when the only moral option is to grit your teeth and choose a lesser evil. But this is an easy principle to abuse. All too often the ‘greater good’ is just a means of excusing deliberate policies, ones motivated by less noble desires. It is now clear that the West’s support for Mubarak’s regime was never a means to an end, it was the desired end in itself – hence the muted reactions to its collapse. Like so many other dictators, before and now, Mubarak wasn’t paid by the West to encourage democracy, he was paid to be a dictator, and suppress it.
• Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved lives in the long run.
• Torture is vital to preventing greater agony elsewhere
• Arming and funding tyrants is a necessary evil if one is to protect the world from barbarians or communists or terrorists, or whoever happens to be bogeyman that year.
• The death of a million civilians is a price worth paying to prevent a tyrant from stockpiling weapons of mass destruction (discretely changed to ‘a price worth paying to depose a tyrant’ when the weapons fail to show up.)
You might notice a potential for conflict between the last two points. But no fear, one can always factor-in timing. While it was for the ‘greater good’ of international diplomacy that Donald Rumsfeld warmly shook hands with Saddam Hussein in 1983 – at a time when he was known to be using chemical weapons – it was clearly a reprehensible gesture after 1990, when he was known to be using chemical weapons.
Presumably if Germany had won the last war and the Reich had lasted to the present we could expect today’s professional commentators to calmly explain away Auschwitz and Dachau as unpleasant necessities. Popular historians would caution us not to judge our predecessors too quickly and to bear in mind the genuine threat posed by world Jewry, Roma, and the disabled.
In reality there is the case of Mubarak’s Egypt. According to a January report by Human Rights Watch:
“Security forces' routine use of torture initially targeted political dissidents, or those suspected of being dissidents, whether armed or peaceful. Torture subsequently became epidemic, affecting large numbers of ordinary citizens who found themselves in police custody as suspects, or in connection with criminal investigations.”
If the US is the champion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East one might ask why it supplied this regime with $1.3 billion in military aid for each of the last 30 years? What moral impulse could have prompted Hillary Clinton to defend Mubarak as a family friend and Tony Blair to laud him as “immensely courageous and a force for good”.
The answer of course is the greater good. As all ‘responsible’ analysts agree, the only way to foster freedom in the Middle East is by bankrolling the indefinite suspension of freedom. The only way to diminish the police state is by active support of the police state. The only way to broker peace is through the sale of weaponry. The only way to prevent terror is to terrorise.
Clearly there are times when the only moral option is to grit your teeth and choose a lesser evil. But this is an easy principle to abuse. All too often the ‘greater good’ is just a means of excusing deliberate policies, ones motivated by less noble desires. It is now clear that the West’s support for Mubarak’s regime was never a means to an end, it was the desired end in itself – hence the muted reactions to its collapse. Like so many other dictators, before and now, Mubarak wasn’t paid by the West to encourage democracy, he was paid to be a dictator, and suppress it.
Sunday, 9 January 2011
Why would anyone want to wage war on cancer?
For Conservative MP Philip Davies the Christmas run-up was spent distancing the government from Vince Cable’s auto-Assangement. On the BBC’s PM, in a state bordering on bewilderment, he told Eddie Mair:
“I see absolutely no basis for the wage war in any way on the Murdoch empire which has Sky in it’s stable, which has been incredibly successful because it provides its viewers with what it wants. It’s got The Sun newspaper in its stable which is the most read newspaper in the country presumably because it appeals to a wide range of people in the country, you know, why on earth would anybody want to wage war on a businessman who employs lots of people, who is good for the economy and also provides its customers with what it wants?”
Why indeed? Suggestions were certainly not going to come from Eddie Mair. The BBC’s fear of Murdoch ensures that none of its journalists dare to voice what a substantial chunk of its licence-payers are thinking.
For those of us unencumbered by media careers a few things spring to mind. We might argue that Murdoch’s News Corporation has proven itself one of the most dangerous and divisive entities at play in the modern world, and that allowing it to become a larger player than the BBC would be act of national self-mutilation.
We might point out that rather than being “good for the economy” Murdoch is the consummate tax-dodger, a persistent drain on the nation’s resources. We might glance at recent history and see that rather than creating jobs his track record is one of mass redundancies and skeleton staffing.
We might point out that (despite all the dross) the BBC still reliably produces the best programmes in the world, while Fox and Sky are the global leaders in barrel-scraping. We might present twenty years of Fox scheduling and not find a single programme of any depth. We might note that Fox’s single greatest cultural contribution is a cartoon notable for its running jokes about how appalling Fox is.
We might point out that despite its popularity The Sun is a deceitful, bullying, celebrity-obsessed democracy-skewing phone-tapping socially-corrosive bundle of soft-core pornography. And we might draw particular attention to its success in dragging the rest of our media in this direction.
We might look at Fox News in the US – an utterly partisan political organisation, dedicated to pushing Murdoch’s own right-wing agenda. We might witness journalism transformed into tele-evangelism, analysis transformed into jingoism and sport elevated to the status of news. We might reasonably ask if we want these values imported into the UK.
And if we want play the populist card we might look at the fate of our own supposed national game. Once freely available to any TV licence holder – now restricted to those prepared to pay hefty subscriptions to a citizen of the US.
If we consider only the fear that Murdoch instils in the media and in politicians we have good reason for caution. Can it be right that Thatcher and Blair and Cameron had to kiss hands and do deals with an international businessman to ensure he didn’t derail their domestic election campaigns? Can it be right that it was The Sun wot won it?
Presumably these are some of the reasons Vince Cable hoped to block Murdoch’s plans. He is not alone in these fears. John Pilger referred to Murdoch as a “cultural Chernobyl”, and Dennis Potter was compelled to name his own cancer after him.
Clearly a great many of us share these sentiments, but unfortunately the decision has now been handed to someone who does not. Cable’s replacement Jeremy Hunt is soon to announce whether or not the deal will be allowed to go ahead, and there is good reason to believe he will approve it. If like John, Vince, the late Dennis and myself you take issue with this, perhaps you can write him a polite email asking him to consider your objections:
“I see absolutely no basis for the wage war in any way on the Murdoch empire which has Sky in it’s stable, which has been incredibly successful because it provides its viewers with what it wants. It’s got The Sun newspaper in its stable which is the most read newspaper in the country presumably because it appeals to a wide range of people in the country, you know, why on earth would anybody want to wage war on a businessman who employs lots of people, who is good for the economy and also provides its customers with what it wants?”
Why indeed? Suggestions were certainly not going to come from Eddie Mair. The BBC’s fear of Murdoch ensures that none of its journalists dare to voice what a substantial chunk of its licence-payers are thinking.
For those of us unencumbered by media careers a few things spring to mind. We might argue that Murdoch’s News Corporation has proven itself one of the most dangerous and divisive entities at play in the modern world, and that allowing it to become a larger player than the BBC would be act of national self-mutilation.
We might point out that rather than being “good for the economy” Murdoch is the consummate tax-dodger, a persistent drain on the nation’s resources. We might glance at recent history and see that rather than creating jobs his track record is one of mass redundancies and skeleton staffing.
We might point out that (despite all the dross) the BBC still reliably produces the best programmes in the world, while Fox and Sky are the global leaders in barrel-scraping. We might present twenty years of Fox scheduling and not find a single programme of any depth. We might note that Fox’s single greatest cultural contribution is a cartoon notable for its running jokes about how appalling Fox is.
We might point out that despite its popularity The Sun is a deceitful, bullying, celebrity-obsessed democracy-skewing phone-tapping socially-corrosive bundle of soft-core pornography. And we might draw particular attention to its success in dragging the rest of our media in this direction.
We might look at Fox News in the US – an utterly partisan political organisation, dedicated to pushing Murdoch’s own right-wing agenda. We might witness journalism transformed into tele-evangelism, analysis transformed into jingoism and sport elevated to the status of news. We might reasonably ask if we want these values imported into the UK.
And if we want play the populist card we might look at the fate of our own supposed national game. Once freely available to any TV licence holder – now restricted to those prepared to pay hefty subscriptions to a citizen of the US.
If we consider only the fear that Murdoch instils in the media and in politicians we have good reason for caution. Can it be right that Thatcher and Blair and Cameron had to kiss hands and do deals with an international businessman to ensure he didn’t derail their domestic election campaigns? Can it be right that it was The Sun wot won it?
Presumably these are some of the reasons Vince Cable hoped to block Murdoch’s plans. He is not alone in these fears. John Pilger referred to Murdoch as a “cultural Chernobyl”, and Dennis Potter was compelled to name his own cancer after him.
Clearly a great many of us share these sentiments, but unfortunately the decision has now been handed to someone who does not. Cable’s replacement Jeremy Hunt is soon to announce whether or not the deal will be allowed to go ahead, and there is good reason to believe he will approve it. If like John, Vince, the late Dennis and myself you take issue with this, perhaps you can write him a polite email asking him to consider your objections:
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