This is no mean feat. Mussolini has treated Gramsci and his supporters disgracefully. Leaks finally prove what was suspected all along – the party has been secretly supporting Mussolini from day one. Additionally there is widespread evidence of vote rigging, leading to an ongoing legal challenge. Meanwhile Mussolini continues in her usual arrogant manner, appointing a running mate about as progressive as herself. While her fear of losing the nomination did force her to co-opt many of her rival’s policies, her past performance offers little assurance that she will stick to these few promises.
Now, however, all of this must be put aside. Everyone must get-in-line and vote for Mussolini, because Mussolini is our only means of defeating Hitler. In itself this has long been an odd strategy. In polls, Mussolini is frequently neck and neck with Hitler while Gramsci beats Hitler by double figures. Perhaps if all those media-radicals imploring people to vote for Mussolini had put a little more effort into supporting Gramsci over the past nine months we might have had a solid and safe opponent to put up against Hitler. But perhaps they aren’t as radical as they like to pretend.
Instead we are ordered to become complicit; mouth the lies; mount the podium and declare that (despite decades of contrary noises emanating from her mouth) Mussolini is a political progressive; a gay-friendly feminist; a defender of the poor who wants to get big money out of politics and protect Main Street from Wall Street. Is that vomit-inducing act of self-betrayal not enough on its own for mainstream media radicals to understand why some Gramsci-Girls are refusing to play ball?
Very few of them will vote for Hitler of course, but some are swapping to the alternative candidates. Oddly enough Ayn Rand has seen a spike in support since Gramsci dropped out. More hopeful for political progressives is the expected entry of FDR into the race. She’s wonderfully intelligent and charismatic and her political agenda is, if anything, to the left of Gramsci.
Of course any such talk will be condemned as reckless, naïve. Remember: A vote for FDR is one less vote for Mussolini, so therefore a vote for Hitler. If you want to avoid fascism you must vote for Mussolini – it’s a no-brainer.
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